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Blog Archive - February 2013

Latin American Fisheries Development Organization Joins Campaign for Eco-Safe Tuna

by Doctor Ángel Alberto Rivera Benavides
February 28, 2013

Doctor Ángel Alberto Rivera Benavides announces that the Latin American Fisheries Development Organization (OLDEPESCA) is joining the campaign.  Continue reading >





Revisiting the Downside of “Dolphin-Safe”: 20 Years Later

by Campaign for Eco-Safe Tuna
February 23, 2013

In 1993, America was changing the way it thought about ocean conservation, thanks to a 12-year-old delinquent with the unlikeliest of friends. Ok ok…that may be a bit of a stretch, but Free Willy’s success is indicative of an era in which our nation’s collective environmental awareness shifted its focus to the dangers facing oceans and ocean life. Thus began a new era of marine conservation that continues on today.  Continue reading >





The Other Shark Attacks

by Campaign for Eco-Safe Tuna
February 19, 2013

If there is one thing that we’ve learned after 25 years of Shark Week, it is that the creatures are as fierce as they are majestic. It’s not hard to understand how they got to the top of the food chain. But many remain unaware of the overwhelming threats that sharks face to their own existence.

Every year, up to 73 million sharks are killed around the globe. While many are targeted killings – shark fin soup is an Asian delicacy – millions of sharks are caught and killed each year as unintentional bycatch in tuna fisheries, particularly those that use fish aggregating devices (FAD) to comply with U.S. “dolphin safe” labeling requirements. It’s estimated that this affects as many as 50 million sharks each year.  Continue reading >





What’s in the Tin?

by Campaign for Eco-Safe Tuna
February 6, 2013

Have you ever worried that the fish you’ve been served is not the fish you ordered?

Well you might be on to something, according to the ocean conservation group Oceana, whose December 2012 report reveals widespread fraud in seafood labeling in New York City.  Continue reading >